Subhadeep De

“I consider art to be a performance. A performance, where the illusionist conjures an image using some very basic, easily available material tools. But the best part is that this magician doesn’t have to hide his activity because it is hardly a trick. The materials merely place themselves in their respective positions at the command of the artist. This is where the outright absurd can represent more reality than reality itself. My affinity towards surrealism and magic-realism has similar explanations. It is a symbolic mode of expression where not just language, but structure itself falls short of explaining ‘what is’.
The series that has been exhibited may have real themes but the tone and the colours offer a mystifying super-real feel to them. The story in these pictures are very relatable to the spectator, and so are the characters who love their booze. As the name of the magazine suggests, a few pictures are evidently self-reflective, introspective if I may say. Or should I use the word narcissistic? Maybe an honest artist should.” – Subhadeep


Dazed and Confused. Oil-pastels


Contemplation. Oil-pastel
Contemplation. Oil-pastels


Luxury. Oil-pastels
Luxury. Oil-pastels


Conflict, Charcoal


Celebration, Oil-pastel


Imagination. Charcoal


In Love. Oil-pastels
In Love. Oil-pastels


An Affair. Soft pastels
An Affair. Soft pastels


Spontaneity. Soft pastels
Spontaneity. Soft pastels


Perversion. Charcoal
Perversion. Charcoal


Depression. Soft pastels

3 thoughts on “An Alco-awakening

  1. I am an amateur artist and an art enthusiast. Have been painting and skecting since school. I am pursuing a profession which I’d far placed from art. But I have almost 30 paintings and sketches. Want to do something meaningful with them. Don’t want them to go to waste. I’ll be grateful if you guys can help

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