‘Ankahee’ is inspired by Tagore’s short story ‘The Postmaster’, which the members of Pachaali Productions chanced upon during a casual chat with their teacher. The challenge they faced while writing the screenplay was to create a balanced platonic relationship, when Arjun, the engineer, welcomes Ratna into his drab lonely life. The two leads performers — Bhargav Thalukdar and Manogna Rajan — are both non actors, who were facing the camera for the first time. But once the shooting started they got inside the skins of their respective characters with ease. The short film ‘Ankahee’ is made by a team of five Communicative English students studying in Mount Carmel College, Bangalore. The indoor shoots were in Bangalore, while the outdoor shoot was in Maranahalli, a small town on the outskirts of Bangalore. The crew had to manage with the limited resources. They had access to only two DSLR cameras and a Samsung phone for collecting ambient sound.
Or watch it directly in Youtube here.
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