(Translation from Telugu: Afsar and Shamala Gallagher)
Afsar has published four poetry books in his home language, Telugu and well-translated into English and Hindi languages. Now teaching South Asian literatures and cultures at the University of Texas at Austin, Afsar’s poetry in translation “Evening with a Sufi” is ready for the press. Afsar has a recent publication “The Festival of pirs: Popular Islam and Shared Devotion in South India,” with the Oxford university Press, USA.
In your final rest
on a rope-cot
were you still dreaming
of a piece of bread?
Beloved one,
we the people
of this country
of that country
can make anything
but a piece of bread
for you –
Your death now
is dream – forgotten.
Stingy dream, secret,
yesterday, the day
before, or early dawn
of some endless night,
snatched from
a broken sleep
like a cut thread
(Says Amma: don’t
forget the early
dawn dreams as they
might become real)
One festival
of breads
you drank the last drop
of sweet kheer
at my home,
sweet kheer slipped
into your beard –
So said the Prophet:
“All my dreams
are inevitable
and squeezed his body
into a qibla
and swallowed the poison
in Fatima’s womb
and then slipped away
into his dream
that was like knowing –
Then what was left?
One Karbala
bodies piled on bodies.
And from her birth pangs
from her broken sleep
Fatima began to broom the hurt field
with her braid.
When you poured your pain
into your pipe of shehnai –
did I ever tell you
all my history is a broken sleep
a shattered
genderless dream that multiplies –
Your dream of bread
is not far from her battlefield
Your body at last on the rope-cot,
the last pinning glance of the war –
they are the same dream
one restlessness, one violent shriek
this is what
I am now –
When you left,
the shehnai turned alone
into her dark corner
and sang to herself
beating and beating
the ceaseless tune
of the dream you left
orphaned –
(Illustration – Sourav Dey)
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